
  1. Shift-Reduce Parsing
    1. LR Parsing
      1. Table-Driven
    2. LR(0)
      1. Table Construction
    3. SLR(1)
      1. Table Construction
    4. LR(1)
      1. Table Construction
    5. LALR(1)
      1. Table Construction

Shift-Reduce Parsing

Handle: term to be replaced by non-terminal

LR Parsing

  • Scanned from left to right (L)
  • Rightmost derivation (R)
  • Superset of LL(1)

Action[s,a]: when state s on top of stack, a is next input token, what to do?
Goto[s,X]: when state s on top of stack, a reduction to non-terminal X, what's the new state?

If Action[st,a] is reduce Y -> X1...Xk, pop k states off, leaving su on top. Push new state Goto[su,Y] onto stack. Input token unchanged.


Table Construction

  1. Let F = {I0,I1,...,In} be the collection of configurating sets for grammar G
  2. Action[]
    1. If A -> u• in Ii && A != S', Action[i,a] = reduce A -> u for all input
    2. If S' -> S in Ii, Action[i,$] = accept
    3. If A -> u•av in Ii && successor(Ii,a) = Ij, Action[i,a] = shift j
  3. Goto[]
    1. If successor(Ii,A) = Ij, Goto[i,A] = j
  4. Else error
  5. Initial state S' -> •S
  • Conflicts
    • Shift-reduce conflict
      • A -> u•av and B -> w• cannot be in the same set
    • Reduce-reduce conflict
      • Only one A -> u• in the same set
  • Not many grammars meet the requirements
    • A -> •ε: shift-reduce conflict
    • T -> id[E]: T -> id• & T -> id•[E] shift-reduce conflict
  • Only consider what it has seen so far (no lookahead)


Simple version of LR(1). Every SLR(1) grammar is a LR(1) grammar. Takes the least space.

  • 1 symbol lookahead (1): Follow()
  • Avoid conflicts
    • Shift-reduce conflict
      • A -> u•av and B -> w• cannot be in the same set if a in Follow(B)
    • Reduce-reduce conflict
      • A -> u• and B -> w• in the same set only if Follow(A) ∩ Follow(B) = ∅
Table Construction
  1. Let F = {I0,I1,...,In} be the collection of configurating sets for grammar G
  2. Action[]
    1. If A -> u• in Ii && A != S', Action[i,a] = reduce A -> u for all a in Follow(A)
    2. If S' -> S in Ii, Action[i,$] = accept
    3. If A -> u•av in Ii && successor(Ii,a) = Ij, Action[i,a] = shift j
  3. Goto[]
    1. If successor(Ii,A) = Ij, Goto[i,A] = j
  4. Else error
  5. Initial state S' -> •S


Canonical version of LR(1). Want's a smaller (more precise) set of lookahead symbols. Takes the most space.

  • Expected lookahead symbols: a subset of Follow()
    • Only meaningful for reduction items
  • Avoid conflicts happening from different contexts
    • Shift-reduce conflict
      • A -> u•av, b and B -> w•, a cannot be in the same set
    • Reduce-reduce conflict
      • A -> u•, a and B -> w•, a cannot be in the same set
  • Splits states based on lookahead sets -> more states
    • Worst case: the power set of Follow() containing all terminals
Table Construction
  • For transition A -> u•av to A -> ua•v, propagate expected lookaheads
  • For B -> •C to be added as closure of A -> u•Bv which has expected lookaheads t,s,..., add First(vt) ∪ First(vs) ∪ ... to the expected lookaheads

  • I4: parsing the first X; I7: parsing the second X


Tradeoff version between SLR(1) and LR(1). Number of states same as for SLR(1) and LR(0). Subset of LR(1); superset of SLR(1).

  • Reduce number of states from LR(1)
    • A -> a, s1 and A -> a, s2, combined into A -> a, s3 where s3 = s1 ∪ s2
    • May have come conflicts unresolved
  • Conflicts

    • Shift-reduce conflict won't exist unless it exists in LR(1)
    • If reduce-reduce conflict, not LALR(1)

        C -> e, c
        B -> e, d
        merged with
        C -> e, d
        B -> e, c
Table Construction
  1. Brute force: merge sets of LR(1)
  2. Step-by-step: merge as you go

results matching ""

    No results matching ""