Problems with PCA

  • Different classes become more discriminable, but still not linearly separable

Linear Discriminant Analysis

  • PCA
    • Finds orthogonal component axes of maximum variance in dataset
    • No supervision
  • LDA
    • Find feature subspace that optimizes class separability
    • With supervision

Both are linear transformation techniques.


Goal: maximize between-class variance & minimize within-class variance.

  1. Standardize $$d$$-dimensional dataset
  2. For each class, compute mean vector
  3. Construct between-class scatter matrix $$S_B$$ & within-class scatter matrix $$S_W$$
    1. $$SW = \sum^c{i=1} Si \ S_i = \sum{x \in D_i}(x - m_i)(x - m_i)^T$$
    2. $$SB = \sum^c{i=1}n_i(m_i-m)(m_i-m)^T$$
  4. Decompose $$S_W^{-1}S_B$$ into eigenvectors & eigenvalues
  5. Sort eigenvalues by decreasing order to rank the corresponding eigenvectors
  6. Select $$k$$ eigenvectors corresponding to the $$k$$ largest eigenvalues
  7. Construct projection matrix $$W$$ from the top $$k$$ eigenvectors
  8. Transform $$d$$-dimensional dataset into a new $$k$$-dimensional one

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