- Combinational logic
- Memoryless
- Current values of inputs -> outputs
Sequential logic
- Has memory
- Previous & current values of inputs -> outputs
- Input (A, B, C)
- Output (Y, Z)
- Internal (n1)
Circuit elements
- E1, E2, E3
Rules of Combinational Logic
- Every element combinational
- Every node either an input, or connected to a single output
- No cyclic path
Boolean Equations
$$output = F(inputs)$$
Some Definitions
- Complement $$\overline{A}$$
- Literal $$A, \overline{A}$$
- Implicant: product of literals
- Minterm: product including all literals
- Maxterm: sum including all literals
- Precedence of operations: NOT > AND > OR
SOP (Sum of Products)POS (Product of Sums)
Choosing between SOP & POS depends on how many 0/1s in Y.
Boolean Algebra
Interchange 0 & 1, AND & OR, same expression.
Boolean Axioms
Boolean Theories
DeMorgan's Theorem
$$Y = \overline{AB} = \overline{A} + \overline{B}$$
$$Y = \overline{A + B} = \overline{A} \cdot \overline{B}$$
Bubble Pushing
Begin at final output, push towards input; draw gates in a form that bubbles cancel.
From Logic to GatesMultiple-Output Circuits
Priority Circuit
Contention: X
- Might change with temperature, voltage, time, noise
- Causes excessive power dissipation
- Usually indicates a bug
used for don't care & contention
Floating: Z
e.g. tristate buffer
Karnaugh Map
- Prime implicant: largest circle in map
- Each 1 circled
- Each circle spans a power of 2 squares
- Each circle as large as possible
- A circle can wrap around edges
- Don't cares can be circled if help with minimizing the equation
Combinational Building Blocks
$$log_2 N$$ bits to select $$N$$ inputs.
e.g. 2:1 muxImplementation
- Logic gates
- N inputs, N muxes
Logic using Muxes
- Lookup table
- Reducing size of mux
$$N$$ inputs, $$2^N$$ one-hot outputs.Implementation
Logic using Decoders
- OR minterms
- Delay types
- Propagation delay $$t_{pd}$$: max delay from input to output
- Contamination delay $$t_{cd}$$: min delay from input to output
- Cause
- Capacitance & resistance in circuits
- Speed of light limitation
- Why $$t{pd}$$ might be different from $$t{cd}$$
- Different rising & falling delays
- Multiple inputs & outputs with different speed
- Temperature affects speed
Critical Path & Short Path
- Critical path: $$2 t{pd_AND} + t{pd_OR}$$
- Short path: $$t_{cd_AND}$$
A single input change -> multiple output changes; or simultaneous transitions on multiple inputs.
Possible when going across circles in a K-map.
Glitches are not an error and impossible to eliminate. Need time to settle down. Don't cause problem because of synchronous design conventions.