- Minimum Spanning Tree
- Huffman Encoding
- Interval Scheduling
Greedy Algorithms
What is greedy?
Take the best move at the moment without worrying about future outcomes.
Minimum Spanning Tree
- A graph, connecting all nodes with edges that cost the least in total.
- No cycle
- Input: An undirected graph
G = (V, E)
; edge weightswe
- Output: A tree
T = (V,E')
, withE' ⊆ E
, that minimizesweight(T) = Σ(e ⊆ E')we
Undirected graph, connected & acyclic
- Removing a cycle edge cannot disconnect a graph
- A tree with
nodes hasn-1
edges - Any connected, undirected graph with
|E| = |V| - 1
is a tree. - An undirected graph is a tree <- there's a unique path between any pair of nodes
Kruskal's MST Algorithm
- Start with empty graph
- Add the next lightest edge that doesn't produce a cycle
- Do until all nodes connected
The Cut Property
- Cut: any partition of vertices into 2 groups
- Let
be subset of MST not crossing betweenS
- Pick
to be the lightest edge connectingS
X ∪ {e}
is MST
Kruskal(G, w):
# Input: A connected undirected graph G = (V, E) with edge weights we
# Output: A minimum spanning tree defined by the edges X
for all u ∈ V : # => O(|V|)
makeset(u) # create a singleton set containing just u
X = {}
Sort the edges E by weight # => O(|E|log|V|) where log|E| ~ log|V|
for all edges {u, v} ∈ E, in increasing order of weight: # = O(|E|log|V|)
# find sets to which u & v belong
if find(u) != find(v):
add edge {u, v} to X
union(u, v) # merging sets
Running Time
Data Structure for Disjoin Sets
- Directed tree
- Root element as identifier
# π = parent pointer
# rank = height of subtree hanging from that node
makeset(x): # = O(1)
π(x) = x
rank(x) = 0
find (x): # = O(logn)
while x != π(x):
x = π(x)
return x
union(x, y) # = O(logn)
rx = find(x)
ry = find(y)
if rx = ry:
if rank(rx) > rank(ry):
π(ry) = rx # make root of y-tree point to root of x-tree
π(rx) = ry
if rank(rx)=rank(ry):
- Any root node of rank
has at least2^k
nodes in its tree - So if
elements overall, at mostn/(2^k)
of rankk
- => max rank =
(upper bound offind
Optimization - Path Compression
if x != π(x):
π(x) = find(π(x))
return π(x)
Prim's Algorithm
- Start with empty graph
- Add any vertex to
- Add a min-weight edge from
- Repeat until done
X = { } (edges picked so far)
repeat until |X| = |V| − 1:
pick a set S ⊂ V for which X has no edges between S and V−S
let e ∈ E be the minimum-weight edge between S and V − S
# cost(v) = min(u ∈ S)(w(u, v))
X = X ∪ {e}
Prim(G, w):
# Input: A connected undirected graph G = (V, E) with edge weights we
# Output: A minimum spanning tree defined by the array prev
for all u ∈ V:
cost(u) = ∞
prev(u) = nil
Pick any initial node u0
cost(u0) = 0
H = makequeue (V) # priority queue, using cost-values as keys
while H is not empty:
v = deletemin(H)
for each {v, z} ∈ E:
if cost(z) > w(v, z):
cost(z) = w(v, z)
prev(z) = v
decreasekey(H, z)
Running Time
Difference with Dijkstra's Algorithm
- Key by with priority queue is ordered
- Prim's: lightest incoming edge from set S
- Dijkstra's: length of path from start to that node
Huffman Encoding
Encode a string of length T over alphabet Γ
Prefix-free Encoding
- No codeword can be a prefix of another
- Can be represented by a full binary tree
- Leaves: symbols
- Path from root to leaf: codeword, left = 0, right = 1
Optimal Coding Tree
- A tree whose leaves each correspond to a symbol
- Min overall length of encoding
cost of tree = Σ(i=1, n) fi * di
- Or, combine freq of 2 decendants into freq of parent:
cost of tree = Σ(leaves) fi + Σ(internal nodes) fi
- Implication: nodes with smallest freq @ bottom of tree
- Greedy construction:
- Find 2 smallest freq nodes
- Combine into new node,
f = f1 + f2
- Replace 2 nodes with new node
- Repeat
# Input: An array f [1 · · · n] of frequencies
# Output: An encoding tree with n leaves
let H be a priority queue of integers, ordered by f
for i = 1 to n:
for k = n + 1 to 2n − 1:
i = deletemin(H), j = deletemin(H)
create a node numbered k with children i, j
f[k] = f[i] + f[j]
insert(H, k)
=> Binary heap: O(nlogn)
Interval Scheduling
Max Compatible Interval Scheduling
A set of requests {1, 2, ..., n}; the ith request starts at s(i) and ends at f(i). Schedule the most intervals.
Earliest starting time
- Earliest request takes long?
Smallest interval
|-------------| |--------------| |----------|
Fewest conflicts
|------| |-------| |-------| |-------| |-------| |-------| |-------| |-------| |-------| |-------| |-------|
Base on earliest finish time.
# Initially let R be the set of all requests, and let A be empty
While R is not yet empty
Choose a request i ∈ R that has the smallest finishing time
Add request i to A
Delete all requests from R that are not compatible with request i
Return the set A as the set of accepted requests
be an optimal set of compatible intervals. Prove thatA
contains the same # of intervals asO
.Let A = {i1, ..., ik}, O = {j1, ..., jm}. Prove k = m. From our algo: f(i1) <= f(j1) # we 'stay ahead' Now prove for each r >= 1, f(ir) <= f(jr)
For all indices r <= k, we have
f(ir) <= f(jr)
Prove by induction. For r = 1, true. Let r > 1. Assume f(i_r-1) <= f(j_r-1). We know f(j_r-1) <= s(jr), since O has compatible intervals. = f(i_r-1) <= f(j_r-1) <= s(jr) Thus jr is in set R of available intervals when our algorithm selects ir, hence f(ir) <= f(jr) so that we didn't choose it.
=> for each r, the rth interval we select finishes at least as soon as the rth interval in O.
is optimal.Prove by contradiction. Assume A not optimal, then m > k. # O schedules more than A By 2., there is request j_k+1 in O. This request starts after request jk ends & hence after ik ends. So R still contains j_k+1, which is valid to be put into A. - Contradiction -
Running Time
Consider cost of rejecting an interval = Weighted Interval Scheduling Problem
Schduling All Intervals
Partition all intervals across multiple resources = Interval Partitioning/ Coloring Problem
In any instance of interval partitioning, # of resources needed = depth of set of intervals
# Sort the intervals by their start times, breaking ties arbitrarily
Let I1, I2, . . . , In denote the intervals in this order
For j=1,2,3,...,n
For each interval Ii that precedes Ij in sorted order and overlaps it
Exclude the label of Ii from consideration for Ij
If there is any label from {1, 2, . . . , d} that has not been excluded then
Assign a nonexcluded label to Ij
Leave Ij unlabeled
Every interval will be assigned a label. No 2 overlapping intervals receive the same label
1. No interval unlabeled. Consider Ij, suppose t intervals precedes it and overlap it. These t intervals + Ij = t+1 intervals all passes over s(Ij), so t+1 <= d t <= d-1 Hence there will be a label to assign to Ij. 2. No 2 overlapping intervals assigned the same label. I precedes I', and when I' is considered, we will not assign the label of I to I' from our algorithm.
You will hence never reach a point where all labels are currently in use, which matches the lower bound and is optimal.
Minumum Maximum Lateness
A set of n requests, resource available from time s, requiring t to finish, and deadline d. Schedule all requests while minimizing lateness.
In order of increasing length ti
- t1 = 2, d1 = 100; t2 = 10, d2 = 10?
In order of increasing slack time
di - ti
- t1 = 1, d1 = 2; t2 = 10, d2 = 10?
Base on earlier deadlines.
# Order the jobs in order of their deadlines
# Assume for simplicity of notation that d1 ≤ ... ≤ dn
Initially, f = s
Consider the jobs i = 1, ..., n in this order
Assign job i to the time interval from s(i) = f to f(i) = f + ti
Let f = f + ti
Return the set of scheduled intervals [s(i), f (i)] for i = 1, . . . , n
- Schedule has no gaps, i.e. no idle time. There is an optimal schedule with no idle time.
All schedules with no inversions & no idle time have the same max lateness.
2 schedules with these properties can only differ in the order in which jobs with the same deadlines are scheduled. Let such deadline be d. There are some jobs with deadline d and scheduled consecutively. Among them, the latest scheduled one has the greatest lateness. This lateness does not depend on the order of the jobs!
There is an optimal schedule with no inversions and no idle time.
Prove by exchange argument. Suppose schedule A' has an inversion if job i with di scheduled before job j with dj, but dj < di. Our algorithm has no inversions. a. If O has an inversion, there is a pair of jobs i & j s.t. j is schedules immediately after i, but dj < di. b. Swapping i, j, we get a schedule with one less inversion. c. The new max lateness <= original lateness. Assume each request r is scheduled [sr, fr] with lateness lr. Let L = max_r(lr). Let O' be the swapped schedule. => fi = sj, f'j = s'i All other jobs remain finishing at the same time after the swap, since t(i)+t(j) is the same. Job j will not have lateness increased, since it is put forward. For job i: If i not delayed, we're done. If i delayed: l'i = f'i - di = fj - di. Since di dj: l'i = fj - di < fj - dj = lj Since L = lj l'i, the swap doesn't increase max lateness.
An optimal schedule with no inversions exists. And all such schedules have the same max lateness. Hence algorithm optimal.
- Includes release time?
- Dasguptap, S., Papadimitriou, C.H., & Vazirani, U.V. Algorithms. Chapter 5.1-5.2.
- Kleinberg, J., Tardos, E. Algorithm Design. Chapter 4.1-4.2.