- Overview
- Scanner Implementations
- Regular Expressions
1. RE Ambiguities 2. Finite Automata 1. RE -> NFA 2. NFA -> DFA 1. Error States 3. DFA -> RE 1. Transitive Closure Method 2. State Removal Method 3. Algebraic Method (Brzozowski) 4. Limitations
source language --> |lexical analyzer| --> token stream
Scanner Implementations
- Loop & switch (handwritten)
- Efficient - Hard to change
- Regular expressions + finite automata
- _flex_ can generate scanner from RE
Regular Expressions
- Epsilon
- Symbol
- Concatenation
:{rs|r∈A, s∈B}
- Alternation
- Repetition
RE Ambiguities
- Disambiguation rules
- __Longest match__ wins - Otherwise, __rule listed first__ wins
1. for - keyword = for
2. letter = [a-zA-Z]
3. digit = [0-9]
4. identifier = letter(letter|digit)*
5. sign = +|-|ε
6. integer = sign(0|[1-9]digit*)
7. decimal = integer.digit*
8. real = (integer|decimal)E sign digit+
Finite Automata
Formal language theory
- `Language Spec <-> RE <-> NFA <-> ε-NFA <-> DFA <-> mDFA`
Non-deterministic Finite Automata (NFA): more than 1 next-state for a given symbol
- __ε-NFA__
- Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA): at most 1 transition from 1 state to another for a given symbol
- __Minimal DFA__ - __Transition table__: `T[s;c]` for a state `s` and a character `c`
- Linear transition (not the other way round)
- NFAs & REs difficult to program
- Closure: determining a subset of states in NFA forming a state in DFA
- Any DFA state containing a final NFA state is a final state
- Many non-deterministic paths -> more combined states
- Every RE has a unique minimal DFA -> compare and see if REs are equivalent
1. __Group accepting states__ together, others together. 2. __Pick unmarked group__ `G` and check consistency. - Consistent: mark - Inconsistent: __split__ into maximal consistent subgroups and replace `G` by these. Unmark all groups. 3. Do until no unmarked groups.
Error States
If not all possible state transitions are given, then incomplete -> can use error state
Language spec to RE not always easy, sometimes to DFA easier, but programming languages only accept REs.
Transitive Closure Method
- Clear & simple
- Tedious; creates long REs
Q = {q1, q2, ...}
be set of automation statesR_ij = set of all strings transit from qi to qj
RE = union of all R_sf
,qs = starting state
,qf = 1 of final states
R_k_ij: set of all strings that transit from qi to qj without passing though any state higher than qk
R_1_ij,R_2_ij,...,R_|Q|_ij = R_ij
R_k_ij = R_(k-1)_ij
+ R_(k-1)_ik (R_(k-1)_kk)* R_(k-1)_kj
R_0_ij = r if i!=j and r transitions from qi to qj
r + ε if i==j and r transitions from qi to qj
∅ otherwise
State Removal Method
- Intuitive, useful
- Not straightforward to implement
- Unify all final states into a single one using ε-trans
- Unify all multi-transitions into a single one that contains union of inputs
- Remove states & change transitions accordingly, until only starting & final states
- Get resulting RE by direct calculation
Algebraic Method (Brzozowski)
- Elegant
Creates compact REs
Create a system of REs with 1 unknown for each state and solve for
- For each state `qi`, `Ri` is a __union of terms__ - `aRj`: transition `a` from `qi` to `qj` - `ε`: if `Ri` is final state
- Arden’s Lemma
- `E = α + Eβ = α(β)*`, where `α`, `β` are REs
- RE describes only regular languages
- RE <-> finite automaton, which only has a finite number of states
- Nested structures (e.g. parentheses, comments, etc.) need a stack of sufficiently large size for processing
- Start states? ->