
  1. Shortest Paths in DAGs
  2. Longest Increasing Subsequences
  3. Edit Distance
  4. Knapsack Problem
  5. Chain Matrix Multiplication
  6. Shortest Paths
    1. Shortest Reliable Paths
    2. All-Pairs Shortest Paths
    3. The Traveling Salesman Problem
    4. Independent Sets in Trees

  • Comparison to divide-and-conquer
    • Divide-and-conquer: subproblems substantially smaller
    • DP: subproblems slightly smaller
    • So recursion works well with DAC but not DP
  • Define a collection of subproblems which follows:
    • There is an ordering on the subproblems, and a relation that shows how to solve a subproblem given the answers to "smaller" subproblems, that is, subproblems that appear earlier in the ordering.
  • Relation with DAGs
    • Node: subproblem
    • Incoming edges: subproblems needed to be pre-solved (precedence constraints)
  • Common subproblems

          [x1, x2, ..., xi], ..., xn
          [x1, x2, ..., xi], ..., xn
          [y1, y2, ..., yj], ..., ym
          x1, ..., [xi, ..., xj], ..., xn
                     /  \
                    x2  x3
                   .      .
                  .        .
                 xi  ...   xn
          Subproblem - rooted subtree

Shortest Paths in DAGs

  • DAG: directed acyclic graph
  • Nodes can be linearized

          A -> B                    __________
        ➚        ➘               ➚            ➘
      S   ↑    ↓   D        S -> C -> A -> B -> D -> E
        ➘        ➚           ➘_______➚      ➘_______➚
          C -> D
  • Pseudocode

      initialize all dist(·) values to ∞ 
      dist(s) = 0
      for each v ∈ V\{s}, in linearized order:
          dist(v) = min_(u,v)∈E { dist(u) + l(u,v) }

Longest Increasing Subsequences

Given a sequence of numbers, find a subset taken in order in which the numbers are getting strictly larger.

Viewing LIS as DAG

  • Node i: element i in the sequence
  • Directed edge (i,j): if element j > element i
  • Subproblem:
    L(j) = length of LIS ending at j
  • Solution to subproblems:
    L(j) = 1 + max{L(i): (i,j) ∈ E}
  • Pseudocode

      for j = 1..n:
          L(j) = 1 + max{L(i): (i,j) ∈ E}
      return max_j L(j)
  • Runtime: O(|E|) = O(n^2)

O(nlogn) Implementation

Binary search. Keep indices for reconstruction.


Edit Distance

For 2 strings, the cost of an alignment between them is the # of edits (insertion, deletion, substitution) needed to transform string 1 to string 2. Find the min cost.

Hirscberg's Algorithm

  • Strings x, y
  • Subproblem:
    E(i,j) = edit distance between x[1..i] & y[1..j]
  • Solution to subproblems:
    E(i,j) = min{ 1+E(i−1,j), 1+E(i,j−1), diff(i,j)+E(i−1,j−1) }
  • Pseudocode

      for i = 0..m: 
          E(i,0) = i
      for j = 1..n: 
          E(0,j) = j
      for i = 1..m: 
          for j = 1..n:
              E(i,j) = min{ E(i − 1,j) + 1, E(i,j − 1) + 1, E(i − 1,j − 1)+diff(i,j) }
      return E(m,n)
  • Runtime: O(mn)

  • Space Efficient Algorithm

      # O(m) space
          Array B[0...m,0...1]
          Initialize B[i,0]=iδ for each i (just as in column 0 of A) 
          For j = 1,...,n
              B[0,1] = jδ # corresponds to entry A[0,j] 
              For i = 1,...,m
                  B[i,1]= min[αxiyj+B[i−1, 0], δ+B[i−1,1], δ+B[i,0]]
              Move column 1 of B to column 0 to make room for next iteration:
                  Update B[i, 0]= B[i, 1] for each i 

    To backtrack:

      1. Let `f(i,j)` denote optimal path from `(0,0)` to `(i,j)`, `g(i,j)` denote optimal path from `(i,j)` to `(m,n)`
      2. Find index `q` that minimizes `f(q,k) + g(q,k)`
      3. Divide problem into `(0,0)` to `(q,n/2)` & `(q+1,n/2+1)` to `(m,n)`
          # start from the opposite corner
          # similar to Space-Efficient-Alignment, but now B[i,1]= min[αxiyj+B[i+1, 0], δ+B[i+1,1], δ+B[i,0]]
          Let m be the number of symbols in X 
          Let n be the number of symbols in Y 
          If m≤2 or n≤2 then
              Compute optimal alignment using Alignment(X,Y) 
          Call Space-Efficient-Alignment(X,Y[1:n/2])
          Call Backward-Space-Efficient-Alignment(X,Y[n/2+1:n]) 
          Let q be the index minimizing f(q,n/2)+g(q,n/2)
          Add (q,n/2) to global list P 
          Return P

Knapsack Problem

n items of weight w1, ..., wn and value v1, ..., vn, what is the most valuable combination of items that the total weight is at most W pounds?

Allows Repetition

  • Subproblem:
    K(w) = max value achievable with knapsack of capacity w
  • Solution to subproblems:
    K(w) = max_i:wi<=w { K(w−wi)+vi }
  • Pseudocode

      K(0) = 0
      for w = 1 to W:
          K(w) = max { K(w−wi)+vi: wi ≤w } 
      return K(W)


A hash table, initially empty, holds values of K(w) indexed by w
function knapsack(w):
    if w is in hash table: 
        return K(w) 
    K(w) = max { knapsack(w−wi) + vi: wi≤w } 
   insert K(w) into hash table, with key w 
   return K(w)

Only store information needed, unlike DP storing all

No Repetition

  • Subproblem:
    K(w,j) = max value achievable with knapsack of capacity w and items 1..j
  • Solution to subproblems:
    K(w,j) = max { K(w−wj,j-1) + vj, K(w,j-1) }
  • Pseudocode

      Initialize all K(0, j) = 0 and all K(w, 0) = 0 
      for j = 1 to n:
          for w = 1 to W:
              if wj > w: 
                  K(w,j) = K(w,j−1)
                  K(w,j) = max { K(w,j−1),K(w−wj,j−1) + vj }
      return K(W,n)

Chain Matrix Multiplication

Four matrices A x B x C x D, find the way of chaining that uses the least computations.

  • Abstraction

    • Binary trees: node = product of children

           /  \
          []   D
         /  \
        []   C
       /  \
      A       B    
      (((A x B) x C) x D)
  • Subproblem:
    C(i,j) = min cost of multiplying Ai..Aj

  • Solution to subproblems:
    C(i,j) = min_i<=k<j { C(i,k) + C(k+1,j) + m_i-1 * mk * mj }
  • Pseudocode

      fori = 1 to n: 
          C(i,i) = 0 
      for s=1 to n−1:
          for i=1 to n−s: 
              j = i + s
              C(i,j) = min { C(i,k) + C(k+1,j) + m_i−1 * mk * mj: i ≤ k < j } 
      return C(1,n)
  • Runtime: O(n^3)

Shortest Paths

Shortest Reliable Paths

Find the shortest path in a graph from s to t using at most k edges.

  • Subproblem:
    dist(v,i) = length of shortest path from s to v using i edges
  • Solution to subproblems:
    dist(v,i) = min_(u,v)∈E { dist(u,i−1) + l(u,v) }
  • Initial values:
    dist(v, 0) = infinity, dist(s, 0) = 0

All-Pairs Shortest Paths

Floyd-Warshall algorithm

  • Subproblem:
    dist(i,j,k) = length of shortest path from i to j using only nodes {1..k}
  • Solution to subproblems:
    dist(i,j,k) = min { dist(i,k,k−1) + dist(k,j,k−1), dist(i,j,k−1) }
  • Pseudocode

      for i = 1 to n: 
          for j = 1 to n:
              dist(i,j,0) = ∞
      for all (i,j) ∈ E: 
          dist(i,j,0) = l(i,j)
      for k = 1 to n: 
          for i = 1 to n:
              for j = 1 to n:
                  dist(i,j,k) = min{ dist(i,k,k−1) + dist(k,j,k−1), dist(i,j,k−1) }

The Traveling Salesman Problem

Find a min cost path in a graph that starts and end at 1 and goes through all nodes exactly once.

  • Subproblem:
    C(S,j) = length of shortest path visiting nodes in S exactly once, starting at 1 and ending at j
  • Solution to subproblems:
    C(S,j) = min_i∈S:i!=j { C(S-{j}, i) + dij }
  • Pseudocode

      C({1},1) = 0
      for s = 2 to n:
          for all subsets S ⊆ {1..n} of size s and containing 1: 
              C(S,1) = ∞
              for all j ∈ S, j != 1: 
                  C(S,j) = min { C(S−{j},i) + dij: i∈S,i!=j}
      return min_j { C({1..n},j) + dj1 }
  • Runtime: O(n^2*2^n)

    • 2^n*n subproblems, each O(n) time

Independent Sets in Trees

Independent sets: for graph G = (V,E), a subset of nodes S ⊂ V is an independent set if there are no edges between them.

  • Subproblem:
    I(u) = size of largest independent set of subtree hanging from u
  • Solution to subproblem:
    u is either included in the largest independent set or not
    I(u) = max { 1 + sum_grandchildren_w_of_u I(w), sum_children_w_of_u I(w) }

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