Feature Extraction
- Image Interpretation
N x M
matrixI(i, j)
- Nature & distribution of light sources
- Shape of structures
- Reflectance properties of surfaces
- Position of camera
- Properties of lens & CCD array
- Feature extracton
- Discard redundant information in images
- Reflectance & light conditions
- Preserve useful information in images
- Structures & camera pose
- Discard redundant information in images
Salient Features
Interpret images using edge & corner data.
- Cheap to compute
- Small storage requirement
- Invariant to changes in lighting
- Provide strong clues to vision processing
Featureless Region
Smooth variation of intensities.
Intensity discontinuity in one direction.
Intensity discontinuity in two directions.
Edge Detection
1D Edge Detection
Look for maxima & minima in $$I'(x)$$.
$$ \frac{d I(x)}{dx} = I'(x) = \lim_{\Delta x \to 0} \frac{I(x + \Delta x) - I(x)}{\Delta x}
- Convolve $$I(x)$$ with Gaussian kernel, obtain smoothed signal $$S(x)$$
- Compute $$S'(x)$$
- Kernel
[1/2 0 -1/2]
- Kernel
- Find maxima & minima of $$S'(x)$$
- Thresholding to mark edges
Reduce Noise
Smooth the image by Gaussian filter first.
$$ g_{\sigma}(x) = \frac{1}{\sigma \sqrt{2 \pi}} e^{-\frac{x^2}{2 \sigma^2}}
Calculating Derivative of Smoothed Signal
Reduce the convolutions from twice to once by using the derivative theorem of convolution:
$$ S'(x) = \frac{d}{dx} (g{\sigma}(x) * I(x)) = g'{\sigma} * I(x)
Edge Detection
- Find three points, solve for
- Locate max/min by solving
f'(x) = 0
- Apply thresholding
2D Edge Deteciton
Gaussian filter:
$$ G_{\sigma}(x, y) = \frac{1}{2 \pi \sigma^2} e^{-\frac{x^2 + y^2}{2 \sigma^2}}
$$ S(x, y) = G{\sigma}(x, y) * I(x, y) \ \Delta S = \Delta (G{\sigma} I) = \begin{bmatrix} \frac{\partial (G_{\sigma} I)}{\partial x} \ \frac{\partial (G{\sigma} * I)}{\partial y} \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} \frac{\partial G{\sigma}}{\partial x} I \ \frac{\partial G_{\sigma}}{\partial y} I \end{bmatrix}
Canny Edge Detection
- Convolve $$I(x, y)$$ with Gaussian kernel, obtain smoothed signal $$S(x, y)$$
- Compute $$\Delta S$$
- Non-maximal suppression
- Locate edgels (edge elements) where $$| \Delta S |$$ is greater than local values in directions $$\pm \Delta S$$
- Thresholding on $$| \Delta S |$$ to retain strong edgels
- Hysteresis: revive weak edgels
- If they span the gaps between some strong edgels
Outputs a list of edgel positions with strength $$| \Delta S |$$ & orientation $$\frac{\Delta S}{| \Delta S |}$$.
Multi-Scale Edge Detection
- Smaller $$\sigma$$
- Modest smoothing, edges at a fine scale
- Larger $$\sigma$$
- More smoothing, suppressing finer details
Corner Detection
Aperture Problem
- Only motions normal to an edge are observed when viewing a moving edge
- Corner displacements are not ambiguous, useful for tracking in image sequences & matching in stereo pairs
Cross Correlation
Corner characterized by an intensity discontinuity in two directions, which is detecting using cross correlation.
$$ P(x, y) \bigotimes I(x, y) = \sum^n{u=-n} \sum^n{v=-n} P(u, v) I(x + u, y + v)
- Difference with convolution
- Not associative
- Correlation used for pattern matching, convolution used for filtering
- Same if mask is symmetric
Normalized Cross Correlation
To handle the differences caused by lighting conditions.
$$ NCC(x, y) = \sum^n{u=-n} \sum^n{v=-n} \frac{(P(u, v) - \overline{P})}{\sqrt{\sum^n{u=-n} \sum^n{v=-n} (P(u, v) - \overline{P})^2}} \frac{(I(x+u, y+v) - \overline{I})}{\sqrt{\sum^n{u=-n} \sum^n{v=-n} (I(x+u, y+v) - \overline{I})^2}}
$$ NCC(x, y) = \frac{P - \overline{P}}{| P - \overline{P} |} \cdot \frac{I - \overline{I}}{| I - \overline{I} |} = cos \theta
- Output
: perfect match-1
: perfect mismatch
Harris Corner Detection
Examine the max & min changes in intensity at each pixel.
- Compute $$I_x$$ and $$I_y$$ at each pixel $$I(x, y)$$
- Form & smooth images of $$I_x^2$$, $$I_y^2$$, and $$I_xI_y$$
- Form image of cornerness function $$R$$
- Locate local maxima in image of $$R$$ as corners
- Achieve sub-pixel accuracy using quadratic approximation
- Threshold corners
Change in intensity in direction n
$$ I_n(x, y) = \Delta I(x, y) \cdot \frac{n}{| n |} = \Delta I(x, y)^T \frac{n}{\sqrt{n^Tn}}\ \Delta I = \begin{bmatrix} \frac{\partial I}{\partial x} \ \frac{\partial I}{\partial y} \end{bmatrix}
To find the min/max changes, calculate squared change in intensity around (x, y)
in direction n
$$ C_n(x, y) = I_n^2 = I_n^T I_n = \frac{n^T \Delta I \Delta I^T n}{n^T n} = \frac{n^T An}{n^T n}\ A = \Delta I \Delta I^T = \begin{bmatrix} I_x^2 & I_x I_y \ I_x I_y & I_y^2 \end{bmatrix}
By elementary eigenvector theory:
$$ \lambda_1 \le C_n(x, y) \le \lambda_2
where $$\lambda_1$$ & $$\lambda_2$$ are the min & max eigenvalues of $$A$$.
- $$\lambda_1 \approx \lambda_2 \approx 0$$
- Smooth variation in intensity (featureless region)
- $$\lambda_1 \approx 0$$, $$\lambda_2$$ large
- Intensity discontinuity in one direction (edge)
- $$u_1$$: eigenvector to $$\lambda_1$$, direction along the edge
- $$u_2$$: eigenvector to $$\lambda_2$$, direction normal to the edge
- Intensity discontinuity in one direction (edge)
- $$\lambda_1$$ & $$\lambda_2$$ large & distinct
- Intensity discontinuity in two directions (corner)
To avoid computing eigenvalues, calculate cornerness function $$R$$ for thresholding:
$$ R = \lambda_1 \lambda_2 - \kappa(\lambda_1 + \lambda_2)^2\ \lambda_1 \lambda_2 = det(A)\ \lambda_1 + \lambda_2 = trace(A)
where the tunable sensitivity parameter $$\kappa = 0.04$$. The smaller the value is, the more likely to detect sharp corners.
Then approximate local maxima via quadratic approximation.
Apply smoothing on $$A$$ so that $$det(A)$$ won't always be 0. Also apply smoothing to lessen the effect of noise (but might smooth away the corner features).
$$ A = \sum_u \sum_v w(u, v) \begin{bmatrix} I_x(u, v)^2 & I_x(u, v) I_y(u, v) \ I_x(u, v) I_y(u, v) & I_y(u, v)^2 \end{bmatrix}
Implementation Details
Truncated Summations
Kernels truncated s.t. samples less than $$\frac{1}{k}$$ of the peak value are discarded.
Decompose 2D Convolution
Decompose 2D convolution into two 2D ones. Saves $$\frac{(2n+1)^2}{2 * (2n+1)}$$ computational complexity, where $$2n+1$$ is the width/height of kernel.
$$ G{\sigma}(x, y) * I(x, y) = g{\sigma}(x) [g_{\sigma}(y) I(x, y)]
$$ Make sure the coefficients of the truncated Gaussian kernel sum to unity:
$$ \sum^n{u=-n} g{\sigma}(u) = 1