
  1. Flow Network Overview
  2. Maximum-Flow Problem
    1. Residual Graph
    2. Implementation (Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm)
    3. Analysis
    4. Max-Flow Min-Cut Theorem
    5. Choosing Good Augmenting Paths
  3. Extensions to Max-Flow Problem
    1. Circulations with Demands
    2. Circulations with Demands & Lower Bounds
  4. Bipartite Matching
  5. Image Segmentation
  6. Project Selection
  7. Baseball Elimination

Flow Network Overview

  • Components
    • Capacities
    • Source nodes
    • Sink nodes
    • Traffic
  • Graph representation

      G = (V,E)
      edge ce = capacity where ce >= 0
      source node s ∈ V
      sink node t ∈ V
      internal nodes = all other nodes
  • Assumptions

    • No edge enters s & no edge leaves t
    • At least 1 edge incident to each node
    • c is int
  • Flow conditions & notations
    • f(e) satisfies:
      1. 0 <= f(e) <= ce for all edges
      2. sum_e_into_v(f(e)) = sum_e_outof_v(f(e)) for all internal nodes
    • v(f) denotes amount of flow generated at source
      • sum_e_outof_s(f(e))
    • f_out(v) = sum_e_outof_v(f(e)); f_in(v) = sum_e_into_v(f(e))

Maximum-Flow Problem

Given a flow network, find a flow of max possible value.

Residual Graph

  • A graph indicating additional possible flow. If there is a path from source to sink in residual graph, then it is possible to add flow.
  • Every edge of a residual graph has a value residual capacity = original capacity of the edge - current flow. Residual capacity is basically the current capacity of the edge.

Implementation (Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm)


  1. Initial flow f = 0
  2. Find an augmenting path P from s to t
  3. Augment the path P with flow f, return new flow f'
    1. Let b = bottleneck(P,f)
    2. For each edge e = (u,v) of P:
      • If forward edge, f(e) += b
      • If backward edge, f(e=(v,u)) -= b
    3. return updated f
  4. Update f to f'
  5. Update residual graph Gf to Gf'
    1. Node set the same
    2. For each edge e = (u,v) of Gf, f(e) < ce:
      • Push e = (u,v) with capacity ce - f(e) (forward edges)
      • Push e' = (v,u) with capacity f(e) (backward edges)
  6. Repeat until no path found
    Let b = bottleneck(P,f) 
    For each edge (u,v) ∈ P:
        If e = (u,v) is a forward edge: 
            increase f(e) in G by b
         Else: # ((u, v) is a backward edge, and let e = (v, u))    
             decrease f(e) in G by b
    Return f

    Initially f(e) = 0 for all e in G
    While there is an s-t path in the residual graph Gf:
        Let P be a simple s-t path in Gf
        f' = augment(f,P)
        Update f to be f'
        Update the residual graph Gf to be Gf'
    Return f


  • Termination
    • At every intermediate stage of the Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm, the flow values {f(e)} and the residual capacities in Gf are integers.
    • The flow value strictly increases when we apply an augmentation, since we add bottleneck > 0.
    • Upper bound: f_out(s).
    • Hence the algorithm runs for at most f_out(s) iterations.
  • Runtime
    • Let m = |E|, n = |V|, C = f_out(s)
    • m >= n/2 since all nodes have at least 1 incident edge, so O(m+n) = O(m)
    • BFS/DFS: O(m+n) = O(m)
    • augment: O(n)
    • Build new residual graph: O(m)
    • Overall O(mC)

Max-Flow Min-Cut Theorem

In every flow network, the maximum value of an s-t flow is equal to the minimum capacity of an s-t cut.

  • Cut
    • Divide nodes into 2 sets A & B s.t. s ∈ A and t ∈ B. Any flow going from s to t must cross from A into B at some point and use up some of the edge capacity from A to B.
    • Cut puts bound on max flow
      • Minimum cut: the minimum capacity of any division, which equals the max flow
  • Facts

    1. Let f be any s-t flow, and (A, B) any s-t cut. Then
      v(f) = f_out(A) − f_in(A) and
      v(f) = f_in(B) − f_out(B)

       v(f) = f_out(s) - f_in(s)
            = sum_v_in_A(f_out(v) - f_in(v)) # f_out(v) - f_in(v) = 0 for internal nodes
            = sum_e_outof_A(f(e)) - sum_e_into_A(f(e))
            = f_out(A) - f_in(A)
       f_out(A) = f_in(B); f_in(A) = f_out(B)
    2. Let f be any s-t flow, and (A,B) any s-t cut. Then
      v(f) <= c(A,B), where c(A,B) = sum_e_outof_A(ce)

       v(f) = f_out(A) − f_in(A)
            ≤ f_out(A) # f_in(A) >= 0
            = sum_e_outof_A(f(e))
            ≤ sum_e_outof_A(ce)
            = c(A,B)

      => Any flow is upper-bounded by the capacity of every cut

    3. Let f be an s-t flow s.t. no s-t path in the residual graph Gf. Then there is an s-t cut (A*,B*) in G where v(f) = c(A*,B*).

       Let A* be a set of nodes in G where there is a s-v path in Gf
       Let B* = V - A*
       v(f) = f_out(A*) − f_in(A*)
            = sum_e_outof_A*(f(e)) − sum_e_into_A*_f(e)
            = sum_e_outof_A*(ce) - 0 # f(e) = ce
            = c(A*,B*)
    4. The flow f returned by Ford-Fulkerson is max flow.

       Let f* be max flow, (A*,B*) be min cut
       Then there exists a flow f s.t. v(f) = c(A,B) by 3.
       And by 2., v(f) = c(A,B) <= c(A*,B*)
       Hence A = A*, B = B* because c(A*,B*) should be minimum
       And by 2., v(f*) <= c(A*,B*) = v(f)
       Hence f = f* because v(f*) should be maximum
    5. Given a max flow, we can compute an s-t min cut in O(m) time by constructing the residual graph and perform BFS/DFS to find A* & B*.

    6. If all capacities in the flow network are integers, then there is a max flow f where every flow value f(e) is an integer.
  • With rational numbers:
    • Multiply all by least common multiple of all capacities
  • With real numbers:
    • May not terminate, since the progress we make at each iteration can be small
    • Max-flow min-cut theorm still holds

Choosing Good Augmenting Paths

Idea 1

Find the path with large bottleneck capacity.
Maintain a scaling parameter sp and look for paths having bottleneck of at least sp.

  • Implementation

      Scaling Max-Flow():
          Initially f(e) = 0 for all e in G
          Initially set sp = largest power of 2 <= max_e_outof_s(ce) 
          While sp >= 1:
              While there is an s-t path in the graph Gf(sp):
                  Let P be a simple s-t path in Gf(sp)
                      f' = augment(f,P)
                      Update f to be f'
                      Update Gf(sp)
              sp /= 2
          Return f
  • Runtime

    • Outer While loop (scaling phase): at most 1 + logC where C = sum_e_outof_s(ce)
    • During the scaling phase, each augmentation increases the flow by at least sp
    • v(f) >= max flow - m*sp where f = flow at the end of scaling phase and m = |E|

        f(e) > ce - sp for e = (u,v) which u ∈ A and v ∈ B
        f(e) ≥ sp for e = (u,v) which u ∈ B and v ∈ A
        v(f) = sum_e_outof_A(f(e)) − sum_e_into_A(f(e))
             ≥ sum_e_outof_A(ce - sp) - sum_e_into_A(sp)
             = c(A,B) - m*sp
    • # of augmentations in a scaling phase is at most 2m

        v(f*) <= v(f_prev) + m*sp = v(f_prev) + 2m*sp_prev
        Each augmentation increases the flow by >= sp_prev
        So at most 2m augmentations
    • Augmentation: O(m) time; 1 + logC scaling phases; 2m augmentations each phase => O(m^2 logC)

    • Scaling: polynomial in size of input (# of edges & numerical representation of capacities)
      Original: polynomial in magnatude of capacities
Idea 2

Choose path with fewest number of edges.

  • Runtime: O(|V||E|^2)

Extensions to Max-Flow Problem

Circulations with Demands

Multiple sources & sinks with fixed supply/demand values.

  • Demands
    • dv > 0: v wish to receive dv more flow than it sends out (sink)
    • dv < 0: v wish to send out dv more flow than it receives (source)
    • dv = 0: not source nor sink
  • Conditions
    1. 0 <= f(e) <= ce for all edges
    2. sum_e_into_v(f(e)) = sum_e_outof_v(f(e)) for all internal nodes
    3. All demands satisfied
    4. Total supply = total demand
      sum_v(dv) = sum_v(f_in(v)) - sum_v(f_out(v)) = 0
      sum_v_dv>0(dv) = sum_v_dv<0(-dv)
  • Conversion to Max-Flow Problem
    • Create super-source s* connecting each node in S; create super-sink t* connecting each node in T
    • For each node in S (dv < 0), add (s*,v) with capacity -dv; for each node in T (dv > 0), add (v,t*) with capacity dv
    • A feasible circulation is found iff max s-t flow has value D, where D = max capaxity from s* to t* (saturating edges connected to s* and t*)
    • Graph G has a feasible circulation with demands {dv} if and only if for all cuts (A,B):
      sum_v_in_B(dv) <= c(A,B)

Circulations with Demands & Lower Bounds

Enforce flow to use certain edges - place lower bounds on edges.

  • Conditions
    1. le <= f(e) <= ce for all edges, where le is the lower bound
    2. sum_e_into_v(f(e)) = sum_e_outof_v(f(e)) for all internal nodes
    3. All demands satisfied
    4. Total supply = total demand
      sum_v(dv) = sum_v(f_in(v)) - sum_v(f_out(v)) = 0
      sum_v_dv>0(dv) = sum_v_dv<0(-dv)
  • Conversion to Max-Flow Problem
    • Let capacities of edges be ce - le
    • Let demands of nodes be dv - Lv, where Lv = sum_e_into_v(le) - sum_e_outof_v(le)
    • There is a feasible circulation in G iff there is a feasible circulation in G', where G is the original graph, G' is the converted one

Bipartite Matching

  • Max-flow problem property: if all edge capacities are integers, then the optimal flow found by our algorithm is integral.
  • Idea
    • Connect nodes from 1 set to s with capacity 1
    • Connect nodes from another set to t with capacity 1
    • Find max flow

Image Segmentation

Separate the foreground and background of an image.

  • Goal

    • Let ai be likelihood to foreground for pixel i
    • Let bi be likelihood to background for pixel i
    • Let pij be separation penalty
    • Maximize q(A,B) = sum_i_in_A(ai) + sum_j_in_B(bi) - sum_(i,j)_in_diff_set(pij)
  • 3 problems

    1. The goal is seeking to maximize an objective
      • Maximize
        q(A,B) = sum_i_in_A(ai) + sum_j_in_B(bi) - sum_(i,j)_in_diff_set(pij)
        <=> Minimize
        q'(A,B) = sum_i_in_A(bi) + sum_j_in_B(ai) + sum_(i,j)_in_diff_set(pij)
    2. No source & sink
      • Create super-source s* for foreground & super-sink t* for background
    3. Undirected graph
      • Model neighboring pair with 2 directed edges
  • Graph representation

      Edges (s,j), where j ∈ B; capacity = aj
      Edges (i,t), where i ∈ A; capacity = bi
      Edges (i,j), where i ∈ A and j ∈ B; capacity = p_ij
      c(A,B) = q'(A,B)

Project Selection

A set of projects P has revenue pi being either positive or negative. Certain projects have prerequisites for other projects. Find a set of projects that maximizes the profits.

  • Graph representation

      Edges (s,i), where pi > 0; capacity = pi
      Edges (i,t), where pi < 0; capacity = -pi
      Edges (i,j), where i depends on j; capacity = inf
      Max flow C = sum_i_pi>0(pi)
      Min cut (A',B'), where if i ∈ A has edge (i,j), j ∈ A
      Set of projects: A'-{s}, optimal
  • Optimality analysis

    Prove the min cut in G' determines the optimum set of projects.

    • Capacity of cut (A',B') is c(A',B') = C − sum_i_in_A(pi)
    • If (A', B') is a cut with capacity <= C, then set A = A' − {s} satisfies the precedence constraints
    • Hence c(A',B') = C - profit(A) and small cuts imply big profits

Baseball Elimination

A set of teams S, each has wi wins. Some games g_xy left. Check if team z has been eliminated.

  • Averaging argument

      Suppose z has indeed been eliminated. 
      - z can finish with at most m wins.
      - There is a set of teams T ⊆ S s.t. 
          sum_x_in_T(wx) + sum_x,y_in_T(gxy) > m|T|
      Hence one of the teams in T must end with > m wins.
  • Graph representation

      Let u_xy be some games left between x & y
      Let m be w_z + remaining_games_of_z
      Let g* be total number of games left
      Edges (s,u_xy), capacity = g_xy
      Edges (u_xy,vx), capacity = inf
      Edges (vx,t), capacity = m - wx
      Eliminate x iff max flow in G < g* # else after g* games every team will have wins not exceeding m
  • Analysis

    • If both x, y belong to T, then u_xy ∈ A
    • (A, B) is a min cut: u_xy ∈ A iff both x, y ∈ T
    • T can be used in the averaging argument

        c(A,B) = sum_x_in_T(m-wx) + sum_{x,y}_!in_T(g_xy)
               = m|T| - sum_x_in_T(wx) + (g* - sum_x,y_in_T(g_xy))
        m|T| - sum_x_in_T(wx) - sum_x,y_in_T(g_xy) < 0 # c(A,B) = g' < g*
        sum_x_in_T(wx) + sum_x,y_in_T(g_xy) > m|T|


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